How To Choose a Ladder
How To Choose a Ladder ?
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No matter professional buyers or Non-professional both coufusing that HOW TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT LADDER when facing differents kind of aluminum ladders(climbing device) in the market. How to Choose a ladder?
For homeowners,A good ladder can be reached higher shelves, change a light bulb or clean the dirty device on the ceiling.
For commercial application, it’s a ladder collection of sorts. Step, extension and multi-purpose ladders are all needed. In some cases, scaffolds and pump jacks fit the bill. So here is a primer on the some criteria when selecting a ladder.
Consider just how many different ladder types there are: Stepstools, Stepladders, Extension ladders, Telescopic ladders, Multi-function ladders, Two-use ladders,Stik ladders….you get the point. Safe ladder usage depends on using the right type of ladder for the job.
Today’s ladders are available in lightweight and strong materials, not like the wood ladders of yesterday. Modern ladders typically come in aluminum and fiberglass and usually have rungs that are serrated for slip resistance. In addition to the advantage of being light, fiberglass ladders have non-conductive side rails for added safety when working around electricity.
How to choose a ladder?
The following are five keys considerations in proper ladder selection:
· Selecting the right ladder type.
· Selecting the right ladder height and reach.
· Selecting the right ladder weight capacity.
· Selecting the right amount of maneuverability.
· Ladder safety.
· Innovation design & quality.
· Commercial applications and cooperation.
· · Including manufacture products test report (certification),laboratory,Factory qualification.
Selecting the Right Ladder Type
Ladders have come a long way in terms of convenience and safety. The first step in selecting the correct ladder is to choose the right ladder type Ladders come in five main types although there are some variations within these styles. These six types include:
- Single-section ladder
- Stepladder(Household ladder)
- Extension ladder
- Telescopic ladder
- Multi-function ladder
- Stik ladder
Single Section Ladder
Obviously, this type of ladder is your grandma’s classic ladder type.Used for thousands of years, the single-section ladder is useful for simple, level-ground applications where the top of the ladder is leaned directly against an object. The advantage of this ladder is that it is the lightest ladder available for a given length. The disadvantage is that because it is a single section, it is also the longest ladder for that length.
This kind of ladder is also called household ladder, and its height is determined according to the number of steps. For example, the height of an apartment building in China is 2.5 meters. If you buy a 4-step household ladder, the reached height is 2.3 meters which can solve the problem of cleaning and the problem of changing the bulb.Residential is a good choice.
Extension Ladder
An extension ladder is a design that allows a series of single-section ladders to be deployed in a cascading manner, allowing higher ladder reach in a ladder that requires less storage space. Typically, an extension ladder has two single sections, but the compact extension ladder, such as that made by Werner, Co. comes with a three-section design providing easier storage and requiring less storage length. Standard extension ladders are available in aluminum, fiberglass, and wood. Compact extension ladders are available in fiberglass and aluminum.
Telescopic Ladder
The telescopic ladder is the newest innovation in ladders and is similar to an extension ladder, except that the rungs collapse for an even smaller storage footprint. Telescopic ladders are available in aluminum.There are manual switches and one-touch release switches on the market.
Multi-Function Ladder
This type of ladder is generally use for engineering types and commercial.The Multi-function ladder uses lockable hinge joints and extension ladder design to function in a number of ways, including a step ladder with even or uneven side lengths, a single- section ladder, or as a support for scaffolding functioning like a sawhorse
Selecting the right length ladder is not as simple as determining the required vertical height. The ladder length must include several factors including:
The angle of the ladder.
The highest standing point on the ladder (which is four rungs down from the top).
Required overlap of ladder sections.
Extension above the roofline.
The chart above will show you the recommended ladder height for your gutter height or top support point of the ladder. If you use the ladder to access and go onto a roof, say for an inspection, then the ladder must be long enough to extend three feet beyond the roofline. If the ladder is going to be leaned against a roofline or to against gutters when you are cleaning the gutters.

Selecting the Right Ladder Weight Capacity
Considering the Duty Rating of the ladder. This is an indication of the maximum weight capacity the ladder can safely carry. To figure out the total amount of weight your ladder will be supporting, add:
- Your Weight; plus
- The Weight of Your Clothing and Protective Equipment; plus
- The Weight of Tools and Supplies You Are Carrying; plus
- The Weight of Tools and Supplies Stored on the Ladder
There are five categories of ladder Duty Ratings:
Type IAA (Extra Heavy Duty) Maximum performance and durability for the toughest professional or home use jobs. | 375 pounds |
Type IA (Extra Heavy Duty)Rugged performance designed with professional use in mind. | 300 pounds |
Type I (Heavy Duty)Designed to handle most projects and jobs. | 250 pounds |
Type II (Medium Duty)The basic design for simple projects. | 225 pounds |
Type III (Light Duty) Economical design for lightweight use. | 200 pounds |
The Duty Rating of your ladder can be found on the specifications label. Safety standards require a Duty Rating sticker to be placed on the side of every ladder. Do not assume that a longer ladder has a higher weight capacity. There is no relationship between ladder length and weight capacity.
Selecting the right amount of maneuverability
generally,The larger the ladder, the bigger, bulkier and heavier they usually become. When selecting your ladder, consider how easy it will be to store or transport. The compact Telescopics extension ladder goes a long way to improving maneuverability and ease of storage. Instead of two overlapping sections making up a standard 16-foot extension ladder, a compact extension ladder uses three shorter overlapping sections, making it easy to use and instore.
Ladder safety
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has safety requirements at the national level for using ladders, but your country or state may have its own requirements as well. Be sure you understand and follow the appropriate requirements. Follow the ladder manufacturer’s instructions for use and safety.
For example:EN131 -British and European Ladder Certification Standards
Australian Standard:AS/NZS 1892 Portable Ladders
Here are some tips.
Before using a ladder, inspect it for damage. Do not use a damaged ladder. Label it with a “Do not use” tag and take it out of service.
Check for overhead power lines. Don’t use a metal ladder near electrical equipment, lines or wiring.
Do not exceed the weight rating of a ladder.
Climb facing the ladder.
Maintain at least three points of contact at all times (two feet and a hand or two hands and a foot) when using a ladder.
Use tool belts to carry your tools rather than carrying them in your hands.
Avoid over-reaching. Keep the center of your body between the rails when using a ladder.
Learn ladder instruction before use.
Innovation Design & Quality
Generally, the appearance of the household stepladder has not changed much, but the thickness customers should choose or customize with the manufacturer according to requirements.
Customers better first confirm the positioning of the product.
If you choose a high-end telescopic’s ladder, the revolutionary ladder on the market can be closed with 3 seconds”One-Touch release swiches”, and also visually remind customers whether the ladder is safe or locked safety, rather than predicting by feeling.
Cheap or regular ladder use close manual switches in the market or online shops .when the customer touched the surface of the innovation high-end teledopics entensoion ladder is very smooth because it had process secondary surface internal & external treatment. Plastic parts will choose composite raw materials instead of secondary recycled.
If you are interested in the material and design of the aluminum ladder, please feel free to contact us at
Commercial applications and cooperation
For commercial applications, it is important to know whether the product’s positioning is high quality or general quality before purchasing.
The first step is to confirm the manufacturer’s qualifications and production time.
The second step is to learn about the third-party test report of the product and the internal test laboratory of the factory.
The third step is the brand, the minimum quantity, the price…
Here,Roc Aluminum offers the entire complete ladder product system.